Turkey Kebabs on Pita with Mint Chutney Lettuce Salad

My co-worker, Indu, often makes pita pockets with turkey kebabs for our office potlucks.  They’re definitely a favorite and if you’re not quick to grab one, you will miss out.

For tonight’s dinner, I made a modified (ahem, quick/easy/cheating) version of her recipe. The key to this dish for me is definitely the lettuce salad that tops everything off.  A mix of lettuce, green pepper, mint chutney, mayo and lime juice… OH. MY. HEAVENS.  Indu, you’re my hero.

Turkey Kebabs on Pita

Turkey Kebabs on Pita with Mint Chutney Lettuce Salad (my quick and easy verison)

  • Pita bread – pockets if you can find them
  • Trader Joe’s Turkey Meatballs (you can find these in the frozen section)
  • Mint Chutney Salad (see below)

Cook the meatballs according to package directions.  I baked them at 325° F for about 35 minutes, then quartered them.

Top the pita with the turkey meatball pieces.

Top with mint chutney lettuce salad.

Turkey Kebabs on Pita

Mint Chutney

  • Mint and Cilantro (1:2 ratio)
  • 1 small clove garlic
  • 1 small onion or green onion
  • 1 small green chili (I left this out because I’m pregnant and I can’t handle the spice right now!  Silly baby and your heartburn inducing ways!)
  • 1 tablespoon of lime or lemon juice
  • Salt to taste

The makings of Mint Chutney

Blend all ingredients in a food processor, except for salt and lime/lemon juice.  After ingredients are blended, add salt and lime/lemon juice to taste.

Lettuce Salad

  • Romaine lettuce, washed and torn into small pieces
  • Mayo to taste… maybe a couple of tablespoons – add a little to start and add more as needed
  • Mint chutney (strain any excess liquid as you add it)
  • Green pepper, diced
  • A small amount of red or white onion, diced
  • Lime juice to taste – as with the mayo, add a little at a time.  Make sure the lettuce salad doesn’t get too moist

Mix all ingredients together adding more mayo, lime juice and chutney as needed.

Mint Chutney Salad

Enjoy!  (Next time, maybe I’ll share the not quick/easy/cheating version!)

Potluck Favorites: Brownie Pudding Peanut Butter Cup Trifle

Potlucks are a big deal at my office… So big in fact, that one of the questions I was asked in my final interview was “Do you cook?”  Followed by: “What cuisines?”  And “What do you make really well?”  I’m pretty sure that at least 30% of the reason I was hired was the promise of Lumpia, aka Filipino Egg Rolls.

Tomorrow we’re having a potluck to celebrate the promotion of a co-worker, Diwali (the Hindu “festival of lights” celebration), and another co-worker’s impending three week vacation to Pakistan. (Really, it’s just been almost a month, and so the potluck gods have decided it’s time…)  By request, I’m making my famous (a girl can dream!) Brownie Pudding Peanut Butter Cup Trifle, also known as “that layered chocolate brownie thing you make.”  I have to thank my friend Kim over at Food Truck Diva and her sister, Krista, for introducing me to this fabulously decadent crowd pleaser.

Browne Pudding Peanut Butter Cup Trifle

  • Brownies
    • Family size box of brownie mix (or you can make your own if unlike me you made it home before 8 pm and aren’t so tired you thought about passing out in a bowl of spaghetti at dinner)
    • Oil (according to brownie package directions)
    • Eggs (according to brownie package directions)
  • Chocolate Pudding
    • Large box o’ instant chocolate puddin’ (yes, I said puddin’!)
    • 3 cups cold milk
  • Whipped Cream
  • Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, chopped into small pieces
  • Walnuts (optional)

Bake the brownies in a large 9 x 13 in baking dish according to package directions… Generally 350° F for 28-31 minutes.

While the brownies are baking, whisk the pudding into the milk for about 2 minutes until it starts to set.  Cover and refrigerate.

When the brownies have finished baking and have cooled thoroughly (or as thoroughly as you can stand it if you are dying for sugar), cut them into small squares.

Note: If you are making this a day ahead of time, when the brownies have finished cooling, leave them uncut, cover the dish with a lid or plastic wrap, and store until you are ready to assemble the dish.  Assembling this dish the night before can make it soggy and disappointing.  

When ready to assemble, layer each of the ingredients in a trifle dish:

  1. Brownies
  2. Chocolate pudding
  3. Whipped cream
  4. Peanut Butter Cup pieces
  5. Walnuts (if you like)
Brownies and Pudding
Brownies and Pudding!
Whipped Cream, Peanut Butter Cups and Walnuts
Whipped Cream and Peanut Butter Cups and Walnuts! Oh my!
I’ll update tomorrow with a better photo… Maybe!

Repeat layering until you reach maximum capacity.  You can also just keep the brownies in the pan and do one round of layered ingredients. It’s not as pretty, but it tastes just as good.  Plus it’s easier.

For that extra special touch, drizzle some caramel sauce over the top layer…

Enjoy!  And try not to go into a diabetic sugar coma.