Let us begin.

I'm finally getting around to starting a blog.  Yay…  

I probably should have done this back in September 2009 when I first decided that I would start learning how to cook properly.  I had decided that I would document the process and take photos of my kitchen creations and mishaps to see how I was progressing.  I took the photos, but lost are my thoughts on the recipes, and even some of the recipes themselves.  So… eighteen months, hundreds of photos, many successful and not so successful dishes, and about ten pounds later… Here I am.  Why now?  Maybe it's because my Facebook photo album (Food Porn) is almost full, and I need a better way to talk about the food…  More likely it's because I don't want to do my taxes.  But hopefully it will turn out halfway decent and I will learn something in the process!  

Or maybe I should just go do my taxes.  

Ooh, or bake a cake!