Peach Sangria

I recently decided to make my own cloth napkins.  1) Because they're super cute.  And 2) because they're a better alternative to paper towels and napkins.  And you know… I care about the environment.  And stuff.

image from
Super cute!

Having purchased some fabric and thread, I found this great tutorial online and got to work.  

After cutting the fabric for the first napkin and painstakingly folding and ironing all of the edges, I decided this endeavor required some reinforcements.  Namely alcohol and chocolate. 

Fortunately for me, Eat Boutique posted a recipe for Blueberry White Sangria on Twitter this morning!  Not having any blueberries (or lemons, or mint), I decided to adapt for what I did have: White peaches!  And thus was born: Peach Sangria!  

image from
Improving sewing projects one glass at a time!

Peach Sangria

  • 2 parts sparkling lemonade
  • 1 part vodka – I didn't have time to infuse it with peaches, hell… I needed this within minutes, not days!
  • 1 part white wine – I used a chenin blanc, sauvignon blanc blend from a local winery.
  • 1 large peach, sliced
  • Ice cubes

In a pitcher, mix the lemonade, vodka and wine.  

Add the sliced peaches and ice cubes.  Gently stir to mix the ingredients.  

Pour yourself and glass and chill the rest of it for at least an hour.  

Enjoy!  With or without getting back to work! 

Grilled Cheese. Now With Bacon.

How can I possibly make a grilled cheese more unhealthy?  Add bacon.  

My ultimate comfort food

Grilled Cheese with Bacon

  • 2 slices bacon
  • 2 slices rye bread
  • A slab of butter, approximately 1 tablespoon
  • Cheese (I'm lazy, so I used a slice of American cheese. But you should feel free to experiment with one or more unprocessed cheeses.) 

Fry up the slices of bacon and when crisped to your liking remove from the pan and set aside on a paper towel to soak up the excess grease.  

Off heat, remove the bacon grease from the pan.  

Tip: Store bacon grease in a jar and use it for making popcorn later on.  It gives it an awesome smoky flavor.  Thanks to Kat for enhancing my life with this bit of knowledge!

Over medium heat, melt about half a tablespoon of butter in the pan.  Add a slice of bread.  

Top the bread with cheese and after about 30 seconds, add the bacon (break into pieces first). Top with another slice of bread.  

After another 30 seconds or so, remove the sandwich with a spatula and add the other half tablespoon of butter.  As it melts, flip the sandwich back into the pan. 

Remove after a minute or so… or when the bread has turned crispy and golden on both sides.  

Mmm... bacon...
Mmm… bacon…

For the record, I did eat a peach after this monstrosity.

Enjoy!  With or without tomato soup, but definitely not without the bacon.