Things I love: Mulling Spices

Normally I spend my winters drinking a lot of mulled wine and the occasional – but delicious – hot toddy.  But with a pregnancy underway, I am switching to mulled cider.  And I have to say it’s just as good, if not better, than the wine.  Or maybe that’s just the baby talking.

Traditionally, I tend to make my own blend of mulling spices: whole cloves, a cinnamon stick or two, orange slices or rind, a splash of vanilla extract and a bit of cardamom.  Tie it all up in a bit of cheesecloth and drop it in a pan or a slow cooker with a bottle of wine, a cup or two of water and a bit of agave syrup – which offers a lower glycemic index than straight up sugar.

With the mulled cider, I used about 1 and 1/2 quarts of apple cider and a new spice blend from The Spice & Tea Exchange in Old Town, Alexandria, VA.

Mulling Spice Blend

Mulling Spice Blend

The cool thing about this packet – besides the fact that it can be re-used – is that a spice pouch is already provided, so you just pour the spice contents (orange peel, cinnamon, cloves, star anise, ginger, allspice, and cardamom) into the bag, tie it up snug using the drawstring, drop it into the pot, and simmer away.  With the cider, no additional sugar is necessary.

Mulled Cider

Mulled Cider

When it’s been simmering for 15 or 20 minutes – or however long you like – ladle into mugs to serve.  If you are feeling fancy, garnish with a cinnamon stick or a slice of orange rind.

Mulled Cider


Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Apples and Pecans

Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Apples and Pecans

Summer has left us, and sadly, I have been forced to part ways with fresh corn and peaches…  But with the arrival of the cool crisp autumn air, I can now say hello to sweet potatoes and apples!  Hello sweet potatoes and apples!

My husband is a big fan of mashed sweet potatoes, but I prefer having them roasted.  It feels *slightly* more healthy to me, plus I feel like I can experiment more with spices and throw in random things like apples and nuts!  And, let’s be honest… it’s a lot less work!

Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Apples and Pecans

  • 3 or 4 medium-sized sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped
  • 1 or 2 small apples, peeled, cored and diced
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon cardamom
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar
  • Handful of pecans

Preheat the oven to 425° F

Line a roasting pan and add the sweet potatoes and apples.

Add a tablespoon or so of olive oil, and toss to coat the potatoes and apples.  Add more oil if necessary.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.  I use maybe 1 teaspoon of salt and then grind on a bit of pepper.

Sprinkle on the cardamom and cayenne pepper.

Toss to mix everything together and fully coat the sweet potatoes and apples with the spices.

Bake for about 40-50 minutes until sweet potatoes are tender.  Be sure to stir everything after 25 or 30 minutes, to cook evenly and prevent sticking.  With about 10 minutes remaining, add a handful of pecans.
